Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Hain Ranch Organics is a small family farM/ranch bordering the Tres Pinos Creek five miles south of Hollister in the central coast region of California. This CCOF certified organic operation blends the production of organic walnuts with a Salatin style pastured poultry system. A section of orchard is planted with permanent pasture to provide green forage to the poultry during the May thru November seasonal production period. The poultry provide pest control benefits and contribute greatly to the fertility of the soil while receiving all of the fresh air, sunshine, grass and bugs that they desire. We also feed the poultry a high quality organic feed. On farm processing provides on- farm and farmers’ market friends and customers with the highest quality fresh chicken possible while reducing stress on the poultry to a minimum. We are expanding our supply of frozen chicken to serve a couple of CSAs both on and off season. We currently produce 4000 broilers, 50 turkeys, and maintain a small pastured laying flock for eggs. Our main markets are the San Francisco, Silicon Valley, and Monterey Bay areas. We don’t ship out of area.
Blending organic walnuts and truly free range poultry production is a work in progress and we welcome the public to visit the ranch and see how their food is grown.